Variations on a honey bear

I abolish the Innocent and declare the Honey Bear the new archetype of innocence, goodness and sweetness; it is hard not to overdose on him – and there is no antidote. Don’t laugh, don’t argue. 

The seriously funny fact of the year: the definition of the Honey Bear by ChatGPT-OpenAI: ‘It’s worth noting that “honey bear” is not a common name for any species of bear. In fact, there is no known bear species that subsists primarily on honey.’

It’s worth noting that AI stands in fact for Artificial Ignorance, for many reasons – but mainly because it has no access to Reality no. 2; it will never have. Infinite Laughs.

The alchemist

His soul is the laboratory and the generator of the ingredients; his heart and his mind are doing the transmutation stirring and calibrating the archetypal energies: the grace and temperance of The Balance, the passion of The Lover, the candor of The Innocent,  the strength of The Lion, the light and heat of The Sun and the power of The Magician. The result is the otherworldly energy signature, the veil of transcendence and the superconductor effect. It may sound exaggerated or overwrought but it is an understatement. The opened Pandora’s box – mostly a positive version of it – is the proof. 

People may not find the words, neither perceive the complexity, the depth, the extent, nor understand the origin – but this is understandable because this type of perception comes at a high price which not everyone can or chooses to pay.

The Balance

The Balance; how to describe this fine, subtle energy? It is the right hand of The Alchemist and the main constituent of that unique masculine grace. It is manifesting also in the observant, meticulous, organized mindset. Sometimes it comes across like a very intriguing “introverted extroversion”, or a “two steps forward – one step backward” kind of protective energy tempering the Innocent’s exuberance.