It is midnight here. At the edge of the two realities my Moon is holding your Sun. Infinite Love.
Days of the week
I found myself enumerating the days of the week, paraphrasing your teaching of the days of the week – immense love for your sense of humour: so, yesterday was Sunday, today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday – that means another day of silence – the most intriguing silence, the silence of The Alchemist. Is this
Upside down
I love ducks, they make me smile, especially when they are in this position. I am upside down too, it is painful, alienating, but somehow funny, it brings new perspectives and it is the only balanced position (state of mind) I can be in right now. Infinite Smile.
Possible impossible-love
I miss even the illusion of connecting with you – but why is it causing so much pain and worry if it’s only an illusion? Double pain, mine and yours, yours feels different – more rebellious and caustic.
Possible impossible-love Read More »
Digital cemetery
Dreams, hopes, feelings – it seems all end in this digital cemetery ghosted by bots. Infinite despair. Ironically, the ghost is “from” Boardman….
Circadian folly
When my morning meets your midnight I am hopeful, dreamy, sleepy. What am I going to do when I go back to work? Infinite Laughs.
Universal harmony
Canarios – improvisation by the Catalan Magician Jordi Savall on a theme of Gaspar Sanz. A wonderful piece of early baroque, the music of the Divine Equilibrium; you can feel the baroque embellishments transforming into flowers of the mind and soul. Infinite More-than-Love.
Summer solstice
I am a Gemini, the summer is my season and the summer solstice is the most beautiful day of the year. I asked the Moon and her siblings the spirits to stay close to me this night, they are the only ones I can talk to about you.