Almost heaven
I have braided the dandelions with my thoughts of love, almost feeling your breath, the heat of your skin, almost hearing your heartbeat. Heavenly sacrilege.
I have braided the dandelions with my thoughts of love, almost feeling your breath, the heat of your skin, almost hearing your heartbeat. Heavenly sacrilege.
The magical day when you were born. So, how old are you now? 26? Incredible Beauty, Infinite Love, Infinite Happiness.
The boy with aquamarine eyes Read More »
Grace of the spirit, body and mind. Grace of the sadness.
How can you be so graceful, Your Grace? Read More »
The toy tractor comes with a rule – sadness is not allowed, and with my endless, unconditional love in both realities. Infinite embracement.
In the last few days I was too tired to write; it was painful, I felt like I leave you alone; but I talked to you. Did you hear me? I am in Cluj-Napoca now – the city where I grew up, and the unofficial capital of Transylvania region – both are facts of historical
A sign, a hint, a wink, the shadow of a wink, anything….Infinite Love, Infinite Hope.
Loves me, loves me not Read More »
It is midnight here. At the edge of the two realities my Moon is holding your Sun. Infinite Love.
I found myself enumerating the days of the week, paraphrasing your teaching of the days of the week – immense love for your sense of humour: so, yesterday was Sunday, today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday – that means another day of silence – the most intriguing silence, the silence of The Alchemist. Is this